A Good Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep will do wonders. You will wake up feeling refreshed, ready to face the day anew. With boundless energy, your head will spring off its pillow, prepared to attack your priorities. Invest in yourself and protect the time for your sleep with vigor. Nothing will pay off more in the long run than a routine of eight solid hours curled up in your comfy bed each night.

Oh, and as you find yourself drifting off to slumber, please consider the thousands of asylum-seeking men, women, and children stuffed into cages for no crimes and forced to sleep on thin mats atop concrete, all so a plutocrat and fascist can satisfy the misguided desires of his racist base to ensure their continued support, keeping him in power as he and his cronies siphon taxpayer funds from social services, straight into their own bank accounts and corporate balance sheets.

Good night. Sleep tight.

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Further Ramblings

Further Ramblings

The Flags of You

You live in a country. Your country has created a symbol for itself, and by association, you. That symbol is their flag. Your country thinks

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Physical Challenge 1

Today, like all days, I am trying to be better. Some days, that means addressing my mental state and health. I strive to display empathy

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Gender Today

It’s a construct of a society. Different cultures will have different constructs, featuring different elements, and those things will change over time. Those constructs are

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