Color of Failure

It’s #e6e6e6, a light gray.

At least, it is for me.

The icons I mentioned yesterday are here today. They’re down at the bottom of this post, and it’s a rather inauspicious start. I have excuses, but that’s not the point of this blog, and it’s not the point of the icons. They are there to hold me accountable. And so they shall: I am accountable for this very mediocre day.

But there are always things to be grateful for, even amidst failure. One of the things I am grateful for is part of the 1.5 stars I got for Work Done today, which is also why you can see what the icons below stand for when you hover over them. I learned a few new skills as part of adding some functionality to my website, which will hopefully pay off as I build out the websites of my projects.

I don’t want to look at the color of failure tomorrow. I’m aiming for success: #ffdd77.


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Further Ramblings

Further Ramblings

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