Vegas and Nevada Flags
As I mentioned yesterday, I was inspired to come up with new flags for Las Vegas and Nevada. I looked them up after rewatching the excellent TED talk with Roman Mars about city flags, and deciding I (or almost anyone, really) could do better. To start, here’s Vegas now: Thanks, I hate it. Here’s my […]
The Flags of You
You live in a country. Your country has created a symbol for itself, and by association, you. That symbol is their flag. Your country thinks so highly of this symbol that they likely require it to be displayed atop a high perch at many government buildings, to ensure it is visible far and wide to […]
Physical Challenge 1
Today, like all days, I am trying to be better. Some days, that means addressing my mental state and health. I strive to display empathy and compassion; to be productive and meaningful with my time in this life and this body. Other days, that means looking at this body in the mirror and knowing I […]
The Uniqueness of Zebras, Pt 1
Every zebra’s stripes are unique. Just as no two humans share the same fingerprint, every zebra has its own unique set of curves, quantity, spacing, coloration, or fur density to its stripes. Except that’s not true at all, is it? You see, scientists used to think human fingerprints were unique. Then one day, a scientist […]
Gender Today
It’s a construct of a society. Different cultures will have different constructs, featuring different elements, and those things will change over time. Those constructs are based on different elements, which again vary by culture. Some elements are seen as yes/no, on/off, present/not present. Others are perceived as more granular between extremes, where the extremes are […]
Status Through Sacrifice
Gold gab ich für Eisen. I gave gold for iron. The year was 1813, and Prussia was at war for its liberation from Napoleon. War asks for the ultimate sacrifice from its soldiers, and many pay that price for their cause. In 1813, soldiers were almost exclusively men, which left women at home to hope […]
When You’re Not the One
“The one” can be oh so many different things, but today we’re talking about all positions (love, business, awards, competitions, etc) for which there is seemingly an occupancy of one. First, it’s okay. By its very conception, there are only two groups for this position: the person who is “the one,” and the multitudes who […]
Dunkin Advertises For Starbucks
And vice versa. There’s someone out there that might want coffee, but decides on Starbucks over Dunkin. That’s the danger you face when you promote your product or service. Your competitor will benefit instead when that customer picks them. Unless, of course, you are better in that customer’s eyes. Better can mean a lot of […]
The Bag Strategy
I am very bad at packing. Not just for travel occasions, I’m talking every time I need to leave my house or workplace. I will inevitably forget something, but only after I leave late because I drastically underestimated the amount of time it would take me to get everything together and ready to go. Finally, […]
Predicting Burnout
My prior job was for a company full of the most passionate people you have ever met. The level of energy among most of them was both inspiring and, at times, frightening. For many, they had gotten their dream job, or at least a dream-adjacent job that would eventually get them to it. During my […]